Public API

Norwegian postal codes

Devos provides an open API for retrieving information about Norwegian postal codes. The data comes from Bring's postal code registry.

The base URL for all these requests is:



The County object represents a Norwegian county.

  "id": String,
  "name": String,
  "county_code": String


The Municipality object represents a Norwegian municipality. It belongs to a County.

  "id": String,
  "name": String,
  "municipality_code": String,
  "county: County


The City object represents a Norwegian city or place. It belongs to a Municipality.

  "id": String,
  "name": String,
  "municipality": Municipality

Postal Code

The Postal Code object represents the actual postal code. It belongs to a City and a Type.

  "id": String,
  "postal_code": String,
  "city": City,
  "type": Type


The Type object represents the type of the postal code.

  "id": String,
  "identifier": String,
  "name": String

It can be one of the following (in Norwegian):

B = Både gateadresser og postbokser
F = Flere bruksområder (felles)
G = Gateadresser (og stedsadresser), dvs. “grønne postkasser”
P = Postbokser
S = Servicepostnummer (disse postnumrene er ikke i bruk til postadresser)

API Reference

Get a single postal code

GET /:postal_code
  "id": "edf3550e-8478-4f6e-a79a-c5d6606ca8e8",
  "postal_code": "4842",
  "city": {
    "id": "fa5cee47-7684-4a12-863f-f4d1f1e0bfa7",
    "name": "ARENDAL",
    "municipality": {
      "id": "e57d7fd4-73cd-4c9f-8a88-008690f1d3c8",
      "name": "ARENDAL",
      "municipality_code": "4203",
      "county": {
        "id": "d75d060e-3c93-4a5f-b26d-73118100c50c",
        "name": "Agder",
        "county_code": "42"
  "type": {
    "id": "05ad696c-c5d0-442f-8349-91d09552e266",
    "identifier": "G",
    "name": "Gateadresser"

Get all counties

GET /counties
    "id": "394344af-67ed-4a3e-9ee2-0f9ca2237344",
    "name": "Svalbard"
    "id": "77626fb4-26cc-4436-b949-34c3a804ae00",
    "name": "Jan Mayen"
    "id": "0f0944ab-19c5-41fd-9630-b23b1be61f9c",
    "name": "Oslo"

Get a specific county

This will also return a list of all the municipalities belonging to this county.

GET /counties/:id
  "id": "1a4a0eed-4bce-4e76-921b-3eb4c7847a5d",
  "municipalities": [
      "id": "19ba6268-d95a-4f96-bc7d-7316e5680bb3",
      "name": "FRØYA"
      "id": "724e60bc-0aba-41d8-a573-52b604978578",
      "name": "SELBU"
      "id": "b8813f93-4f3f-4fc3-ab73-061c235e13ea",
      "name": "SNÅSA"
  "name": "Trøndelag"

Get all municipalities

GET /municipalities
    "id": "d5dc0b4a-726e-4c0b-967e-af2319d3454e",
    "name": "OSLO"
    "id": "20d73c5a-fac1-4ada-94d7-76a7c1cf6d94",
    "name": "BÆRUM"
    "id": "b14f3b66-549b-4837-b53c-0b7ee1cced26",
    "name": "ASKER"

Get a specific municipality

This will also return a list of all the cities belonging to this municipality.

GET /municipalities/:id
  "cities": [
      "id": "5555c298-82d2-403f-99e1-92949c3220d4",
      "name": "NESODDTANGEN"
      "id": "88423023-1614-4055-addb-1fef0e08deb8",
      "name": "BJØRNEMYR"
  "id": "8bd668b8-f3d4-42be-900e-2368bd6ac3a0",
  "name": "NESODDEN"

Get all cities

GET /cities
    "id": "0d16641b-eb43-416c-a0a9-1639bd3431df",
    "name": "OSLO"
    "id": "0882131c-09fb-4b44-82b8-c3587520acd0",
    "name": "SANDVIKA"
    "id": "e15ddb05-611c-4cda-960d-3226913739da",
    "name": "HASLUM"

Get a specific city

This will also return a list of all the postal codes belonging to this city.

GET /cities/:id
  "id": "cfc319b8-cd01-4871-a3cb-0be8045612b2",
  "name": "LANGHUS",
  "postal_codes": [
      "id": "3ace675f-0e58-41cf-85c5-a3b4a91c80f2",
      "postal_code": "1403"
      "id": "94fde050-c62c-48bb-9d97-4a4f33914ad5",
      "postal_code": "1405"